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Calea Grivitei 369, Bucuresti, Romania


Detector de Temperatura Esser IQ8Quad w/o isolator 803171

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Detector  de Temperatura Esser IQ8Quad

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Detector  de Temperatura Esser IQ8Quad w/o isolator 803171 pentru sistemele de detectie incendiu Esser

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Operating voltage8 … 42 V DC

Quiescent current @ 19 V DCapprox. 40 μA

Quiescent currentapprox. 0.22 mA (@ 42 V DC)

Area to be monitoredmax. 30 m²

Height to be monitoredmax. 7.5 m

Application temperature-30 °C … 50 °C

Detector specificationEN 54-5 A1S

1 recenzie pentru Detector de Temperatura Esser IQ8Quad w/o isolator 803171

  1. Cristi

    Un produs foarte bun!

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